Roya Today

Where fun meets creativity

Easy, no bake mini cream cheese cakes.  A perfect simple dessert ready in less then 10 minutes.

Some times it doesn’t take much to impress your guests.  Entertaining and having friends and family over is a lot of fun, but at the same time it takes a lot of planning and hard work.  Especially if you are planning for a big crowd and elaborate menu.  Growing up my parents entertained a lot. Every weekend we had friends and family over for dinner.  My mom spend a lot of time in the kitchen cooking for 10 ,20 ,30 some times 40 people. As a young “kitchen helper” I helped my mom a lot, but most of the time she did everything herself.

The fist time I truly realized, how difficult it was to entertain big crowd, when I just got married. I threw my very first party having family and friends over.  I spend two days in the kitchen and I was so tried and overwhelmed.

Now, when I entertain, I always pick a few dishes and desserts that requires the least amount of work, which in return leaves me a lot of time for the main menus.  For example this mini cream cheese cakes.  They are literally done in 10 minutes and they look and taste amazing.


  • Philadelphia Cream Cheese
  • Sugar to taste
  • Jam (1 spoon per mini cake. I mix one spoon of water with each spoon of jam. The water adds extra moist to mini cakes)
  • Mini cake shells (available mainly in Walmart and any other grocery store)

Just beat cream cheese with some sugar until light and fluffy.  Measure one spoon full of jam +1 table spoon of water per mini cake in a bowl mix well.  Once water and jam is well mixed spoon it on top of the mini cakes and top it with cream cheese.  If you want, you can even drizzle some melted chocolate on top.

That easy! Within minutes you just created a custom dessert that every guest in the house would like to have one.